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'The Rewards of Awards' – câteva gânduri marca Bernays

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shelley-and-bernaysFolosim decernarea Sabre Awards drept prilej si scormonim in nepretuita arhiva Bernays ... Iata ce gandea marele maestru in martie 1983, la varsta de 91 de ani, intr-un interviu acordat AdEst, despre rostul distinctiilor unei bresle.

Bernays, the sociologist: "Social approbation is the basis for significant social change. Awards signify excellence toward which institutions and people naturally gravitate. A standard of excellence recognized with an award gives those unrewarded something to shoot for. The process of improvement and professional growth favorably affects the entire industry and, in turn, our society as a whole"

Bernays, the psychologist: "Awards, because they represent achievement and excellence, are an important motivating force of behavior. They fuel aspiration."

Bernays, the historian: "The first awards date back to Napoleon's Legion of Honor. At that time, a soldier who lost an arm in battle would be given a minor award. It lent much prestige and distinction to his standing as a soldier. In some cases, to win a higher award, the soldier would cut off his other arm."

Incheiem notita cu o perspectiva ceva mai pragmatica oferita de reprezentantul unei agentii Smile: "I love 'em when I win 'em and I hate 'em when I don't"

Sa aveti o zi frumoasa si inspirata, plina de recompense!

A scormonit în arhive Dana Oancea, PR Romania. Copyright PR Romania, toate drepturile rezervate


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