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Prof. James E. Grunig: The greatest problem in public relations is not the lack of measurement but the lack of conceptualization

James Grunig PRRom

Conceptualizing Quantitative Research in Public Relations. Part 1

Public relations practitioners in the United States first became interested in measurement and evaluation in the 1970s, although discussion of the topic has exploded in the last ten years. The beginning of this explosion of interest occurred around October 10, 1996, when the U.S. Institute for Public Relations, the magazine Inside PR, and the Ketchum Public Relations Research and Measurement Department invited twenty-one leading U.S. public relations practitioners, counselors, researchers, and academicians to a summit meeting to discuss and then define minimum standards for measuring the effectiveness of public relations.

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PR Measurement needs more in-house PR activists to start a conversation with their bosses on what best defines the PR success. A talk to Katie Delahaye Paine

Katie Paine 2

PR Romania had the opportunity to conduct a second interview with the Queen of Measurement, Katie Delahaye Paine. One of the most respected leaders in the field of public relations measurement and evaluation, Katie will hold a keynote speech in Bucharest, on 25th May, at the measurement conference organized by GMP PR. Katie argues in our conversation why having good metrics is more important than ever and why PR professionals should measure what matters not just what it is easy. Katie explains why the recently adopted Principles and Standards never made it into the heads of most CEOs and CMOs who are accustomed to seeing big numbers from their advertising agencies. ‘For whatever reason, PR people seem to be reluctant to have the conversation with their bosses to insist that they change the definitions of success’, says Katie. The interview visualizes also the long and quite winding road to PR measurement and evaluation.

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