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Prof. James E. Grunig: Public Relations Research at the Functional Level

James Grunig ethics

Conceptualizing Quantitative Research in Public Relations. Part 8

At the functional level of analysis, a public relations department should conduct research to evaluate itself—how it is organized and what it does. Then it should ask whether the structure and behavior of the public relations function make it possible to contribute maximally to organizational and societal effectiveness.

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Despre cum aducem valoare prin PR și comunicare

Oana Odobescu web

Când vorbim despre rezultate obținute din PR, e ușor să alunecăm fie în discuții abstracte și vagi, fie într-o abordare hiper-pragmatică și orientată doar pe date cantitative.

În realitate – mai ales în realitatea antreprenorială, care mi-e cea mai familiară – cred că discuția despre rezultate ar trebui să îmbine răspunsul la două întrebări:  1) care este realmente rolul PR-ului și cum aduce acesta valoare și 2) cum măsurăm valoarea pe care o produce?

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Prof. James E. Grunig: Public Relations Research at the Organizational Level

James Grunig PRRom

Conceptualizing Quantitative Research in Public Relations. Part 7

At the organizational level, the central concept for planning and evaluating public relations programs is the relationship between the organization and its  publics. The concept is inherent in the term “public relations,” which means managing communication to build relationships with publics. At the organizational level, the public relations staff contributes to strategic decision-making by using formative research as a means of environmental scanning to identify publics with which an organization needs relationships. Staff, too, can do formative research to assess the quality of relationships with these publics before it develops specific communication programs to establish, maintain, or improve relationships with publics. Finally, the staff should conduct regular evaluative research to assess the effects of its communication programs on these relationships with strategic publics.

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Evaluarea, bomboana de pe tort sau… oportunitatea ratată

Cristina Popescu web

Când vorbim de comunicare și relații publice, nimic nu se compară cu emoția implementării, cu ritmul rapid și intensitatea cu care de regulă această etapă se însoțește. După cum rămâne mereu la fel de fermecătoare partea de construcție, de generare a ideilor creative, a alegerilor strategice, de creionare a drumului unui proiect de la insight spre planificare și implementare.

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Embracing evaluation theory to overcome “stasis”: Informing standards, impact and methodology

Jim Macnamara websiteThis paper explores evaluation theory in a field closely related to corporate communication and public relations (PR) as well as in other disciplines and argues that embracing evaluation theory more broadly can break the “stasis” and “deadlock” identified in evaluation of corporate communication and PR. Specifically, this analysis seeks to show that a transdisciplinary approach can contribute to standards and demonstration of impact – two long-sought goals in evaluation of corporate communication and PR – as well as inform methodology.

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Cred că Cercetarea și Măsurarea ne fac un produs de consultanță esențial

Paul Kasprovschi web

Primarul Kievului, Dr. Vitali Klitschko, spunea, de curând, că prima victimă a războiului este adevărul.

Pentru că adevărul este esențial.

Un context de  criză – cum e o pandemie sau apropierea de un război absolut revoltător mă face să mă gândesc la cât de esențial este produsul breslei noastre. Sau mai bine zis la ce anume îl face esențial. Cei care au trecut ca mine și prin criza 2008/2010 probabil știu de ce.

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Prof. James E. Grunig: Evaluative Research at the Program Level - Developing Objectives and Measuring them

James Grunig PRRom

Conceptualizing Quantitative Research in Public Relations. Part 6

After formative research has identified the publics with which an organization needs relationships and the problems and issues that exist or might exist, public relations staff should formulate objectives for programs to communicate with these strategic publics. Since the value of public relations to an organization and society exists in the relationships developed with strategic publics, objectives should consist of strategies to cultivate relationships (independent variables) and the relationship outcomes (dependent variables) that the organization strives to achieve with these strategies.

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Prof. James E. Grunig: Formative Research at the Program Level

James Grunig ethics

Conceptualizing Quantitative Research in Public Relations. Part 5

In its initial stages, formative research at the program level cannot be separated easily from environmental scanning research at the organizational level. If a public relations department is to be effective, it must engage in continuous scanning of stakeholders and potential stakeholders so that the department builds up a base of knowledge about stakeholders that makes it possible to provide valuable information to strategic decision-makers about the consequences of organizational decisions and the consequences sought by stakeholders. Continuous formative research makes it possible for the public relations department to understand and predict the likely emergence of publics and issues.

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Twenty-five ways PR agencies can embrace better measurement and evaluation

Jon Meakin

For 25 years, the Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) has been at the heart of the debate about why comms professionals need to take evaluation seriously, and how to go about doing so. 

So why are we still so bad at it? 

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Public Relations Research at the Program Level

James Grunig PRRom

Conceptualizing Quantitative Research in Public Relations. Part 4

The discussion of metrics for public relations begins with the program level because this is the level that most public relations professionals think of when they are asked to do research to demonstrate their effectiveness. However, keep in mind that a senior public relations officer should begin planning public relations programs at the organizational and societal levels so that specific communication programs relate to organizational goals and decisions, and to stakeholders who affect or are affected by organizational goals and decisions. As I discuss research at the program level, therefore, I also will explain how specific communication programs can be connected to effectiveness at the organizational and societal levels.

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Mic tratat de comoditate

Marta Niculaie

Trăim cu toții vremuri în care aproape orice rezultat este exprimat în cifre. Așadar, de cele mai multe ori, și comunicatorii prezintă rezultatele campaniilor lor tot în cifre. Auzim adesea întrebarea « deci, care este ROI-ul? ». Pentru că totul este o investiție. Dar sunt oare cifrele cea mai bună opțiune?

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Jon Meakin, Board Member AMEC: Understanding “why” is not always easy, but it is always extremely valuable

Jon Meakin

Like so many things in life, communication campaigns are a question of “garbage in, garbage out”. I’ve been reflecting on this a lot lately, as some very woolly briefs have come across my desk and I’ve been reminded of the importance of getting the brief right. If you don’t know what you want to achieve, and why (before you even get to how), then how will you know if you’ve been successful? How do you even know what you need to measure?

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Beware invalid metrics

Jim Macnamara websiteThere are some invalid metrics presented as purported evaluation that need to be avoided. The public relations industry is one of the worst offenders in this regard. Most notably, PR practitioners have long calculated alleged advertising value equivalents (AVEs), also referred to as advertising value equivalency and equivalent advertising value (EAV).

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Professor James E. Grunig: Basic Concepts for Research in Public Relations

James Grunig PRRom

Conceptualizing Quantitative Research in Public Relations. Part 3

In their book, Using Research in Public Relations, Broom and Dozier described five approaches to the use of research in public relations programs. Three of these approaches do not include research as an integral part of the ongoing management of such programs.

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AVE, o problemă de etică în afaceri?

Dana Oancea dosar etica

În ultimii 10 ani, organizații profesionale din întreaga lume şi-au întețit dezaprobarea la adresa măsurătorilor de tip AVE (Advertising Equivalency Value), pledând din ce în ce mai apăsat pentru alungarea lor din practica curentă de evaluare. Dar, contrar dezbaterilor care i-au negat relevanța, realitatea este că AVE a continuat să persiste, la noi şi afară, în instrumentarul breslei comunicatorilor. Iar preeminența şi utilizarea acestor măsurători a îngreunat mult tranziția către sisteme de evaluare relevante, asistând în practică la o decuplare frecventă a comunicării de procesele de business.

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Prof. James E. Grunig: The Nature of Conceptualization in Public Relations

James Grunig PRRom

Conceptualizing Quantitative Research in Public Relations. Part 2

Conceptualization is the process of thinking logically and systematically about concepts, definitions, measures, and the relationships among them.

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